Flox by Floops

Flox by Floops

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Just when you thought you had all the tools you needed along comes another toy!

The floops Flox multi-tool!

Stitch Marker! Cable needle! Stitch holder! Dropped stitch fixer! Small seam baster! Our customers keep coming up with more uses.

As traditional stitch markers they slip effortlessly from needle-to-needle.
As locking/removable markers they slip easily into your stitch - you can even work it one-handed! No need to put down your project.

From Floops: The idea for Floops was born out of mild to moderate frustration. Mass-produced stitch markers you find on the market today are hard and coarse. Handmade stitch markers are generally lovely but just as 'blunt'- and equally hard to maneuver. I dread coming across one in my knitting - and having to scramble clumsily over it. Soft lovely knitting, soft lovely knitting and then BANG - yuck - full stop - handfulls of plastic or metal.
Floops are as soft as your knitting.
They won't save the world but I think you'll enjoy using them - and looking at them!
Floops are lovingly handmade in the beautiful mountains of Vermont.

***Also check out the Floops stitch markers